Furniture Care and Maintenance Guide

Furniture Care and Maintenance Guide

From plush velvet sofas to gleaming marble coffee tables, your high-end furniture is more than just a functional piece, it's a style statement. But with all this beauty comes responsibility - and maintenance. But where do you start?

Don’t worry - we’re here to help We’ve divided this guide to furniture care into common areas in the house where you’d be battling dust and grime. If you follow these simple tips, you’re sure to keep your furniture looking good as new for longer.

Let’s dive in.

Living room

The lounge is for entertaining, relaxing and hosting - so it’s natural it might need some extra TLC. Here are some ideas to keep your living room in tip-top shape.

Dust regularly

Use a soft cloth or special attachment on your vacuum to keep dust at bay. Pay extra attention to surfaces like armrests and coffee tables, which can easily collect grime and debris.

A top tip is to keep a cleaning station in each room where you have the essentials like antibacterial wipes and dust cloths within easy reach. That way, you’ll be incentivised to do the ‘little and often’ cleaning method.

Rotate cushions

Flipping and fluffing cushions helps to keep them firm while making sure there’s no uneven wear and tear.

Having different cushions for different seasons or hosting events helps to reduce the amount of damage over time on each cushion, so we’d recommend getting a little collection going for regular rotation.

Use coasters

If you have guests around, crack out the coasters to protect your furniture from developing water stains. Coasters are also useful for guarding against spills and add a nice design element to the space, so it’s a win-win.


While the bedroom might not be the most mess-prone area of the home, it’s still in need of regular maintenance to keep your space fresh and free of dust. Here’s what we recommend keeping on top of when it comes to bedroom maintenance.

Store bedsheets properly

Bedsheets need to be stored in airtight containers to avoid mildew and mould. Be sure that your bedsheets are fully dry before putting them away to avoid the same issue. Wash or replace bed linens regularly to maintain their freshness and cleanliness.

Vacuum upholstery

Sure, the bedroom floors will get vacuumed - but how often are you going over the headboard, side tables and dressers? These are dust magnets that can affect your health in the long term if left.

Be sure to use a special attachment on your vacuum to get into the nooks and crannies. This is even more important if your headboard is fabric, as it attracts dust more easily.

Flip the mattress

In order to keep your mattress in good condition, it should be flipped every few months or so. This prevents uneven denting and sagging in the mattress and helps to maintain its firmness. Using antimicrobial bedding will also help your mattress to last longer.


The kitchen area where we prepare meals often doubles as an eating space, so it can get grimy quickly. Here are some tips to keeping your kitchen furniture clean and lasting longer.

Clean spills immediately

Blot spills with a clean cloth as soon as they occur to prevent staining on your countertops or floors. A mild cleanser should do the trick at this stage.

If you’ve arrived to the scene of the crime too late, don’t worry. The kitchen’s hard surfaces means you can get away with using harsher chemicals to remove any stubborn stains.

Properly clean cutting boards

Do you know how to properly sanitise your cutting boards? Food residue can work into the board, leaving a layer of grime that washing up can’t penetrate.

It’s as simple as using salt and a lemon to get the job done. Sprinkle the salt onto the cutting board and rub it over with half of a lemon to fully deodorise the board, remove stains and get it ready for next use.

Store heavy items properly

One of the most common issues in the kitchen is where to store those bulky kitchen items. Keep heavier items lower to the ground so there’s less risk of a storage cupboard collapsing. When in use, be sure to utilise trivets to protect your countertops from heat damage.

Outdoor area

An often-used area in the summer, your garden might need some extra love in the colder months. Here are some ideas to keep your garden furniture looking its best all year round.

Keep furniture dry

While most garden furniture is treated to repel moisture, that doesn’t stop them from developing wear and tear over time - especially if they’re left exposed.

When not in use, consider stacking your furniture or putting them away in the shed in the colder months. This will protect the furniture from moisture and extend its shelf life so you can use it for years to come.

Get protective covers

If you don’t have enough shed space to put away your garden furniture, consider investing in some covers to keep them safe and protected from any garden debris and moisture. You’ll be grateful for the cover when the rare warm and sunny autumn day strikes!

Check for stability

If the furniture is left exposed to the elements, be sure to do a quick inspection of each piece before you starting using it again in the spring and summer months. This is because cold and wet weather can cause faults to arise.

Tighten any loose screws or bolts and replace any damaged parts as needed. If it’s cracked or warped, consider replacing the seat.

Final thoughts

Remember: proper care and maintenance will ensure that your furniture stays in pristine condition for years to come. With these tips and tricks, you’re ready to keep your furniture looking as beautiful as the day you bought it.

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